Thursday, September 1, 2011

Happy September!

Can you believe it's September?!  Where on earth did summer go?  It's time for schedules to start filling up to the brim, and school to start in full swing.  Sadly, I pretty much never took a break from school.  Well, I took a break from high school, just not college.  So I started everything back up on Monday, and I have Geometry, history, Latin, and college Humanities on my list right now.  Those subjects will most likely take up most of my day.

 Lately, I've been reading a couple blogs I follow about...reading.  The bloggers have been talking about books and how much they enjoy reading!  And I realized something: I haven't read in such a long time it's sad!  I used to be such a big reader, and whenever I get a good book, I hardly ever set it down.  But, this summer I've hardly read at all!  I miss reading.  I actually did read part of a series by Beverly Lewis at the beginning of summer, but then I couldn't find the third book anywhere, so I still have yet to find that one!  I'm hoping in a couple weeks when I get accustomed to my schedule, I'll have more time to read.  Because I have a long list of books I want to read!  :)

 Tomorrow, I have my degree consultation with CollegePlus!.  I am declaring my major!  I'm excited and nervous at the same time.  The only reason I'm nervous is because it's going to be a lot of work (more on that later), and tomorrow I'm just making it official.  Anyway, I'll post about the consultation later.

 I'm finally feeling like my new house is like home!  It feels nice.  I still have plenty of unpacked boxes yet, but I have my big shelf filled with all my leisure books and school books.  Before, I shared a room with my younger sister, so I didn't have as much space for my own things.  Now, my bedroom has all my pretty things set out such as tea cups, porcelain dolls, picture frames, and other "pretties" that I've inherited or been given.  Last week, I went through my hope chest that I inherited from my great aunt.  Some of the items were crocheted by my great aunt (who was more like a grandma to us), others were dolls given to me by my grandma who passed away when I was 5.  But they are all very precious and I can't wait till one day I can fill my own home with all the decorations and other things!

 Well, I think that's enough rambling on my part.  Have a wonderful day!

Matthew 5:16

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Sierra, your life sounds so much like mine (or maybe my life is so much like yours...anyway). Except I didn't have to move anywhere. I'm glad that your finally getting settled in your new house and I'm so happy for you that you have a room to yourself!

    Hope your consultation goes well! I can't wait until I have mine ('s not even planned yet).

    Keep reading! It's a great way to learn!


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