Sunday, September 25, 2011

There's a Place...

 The other night, my family watched The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader after listening to Focus On The Family's audio theater version.  We've also recently listened to and watched Prince Caspian.  As I was listening to these two exciting stories, I was reminded that these C.S. Lewis children's stories are close allegories to the Christian life.  One of my favorite quotes from The Voyage of the Dawn Treader is below:
Lucy: "Aslan, will we ever meet with you in our world?"                                                Aslan: "You shall."                                                                                                         Lucy: "How?"                                                                                                              Aslan: "Because there I have another name.  You must learn to know me by that name.  This was the very reason you were brought to Narnia; that knowing me here for a little, you may know me better there."
 At the end of this movie, as the credits start to roll, a song starts to fade in.  It's called There's a Place for Us and it's sung by Carrie Underwood.  Just a beautiful song!  And it has so much truth in it!  Here is the link so you can listen to it.

 My favorite quote from The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian is:
Aslan [to Lucy]: "But every year you grow, you will find me bigger."
 Isn't that true with God, too?!  As we grow in Christ and in our faith, we find God majesty and magnificence to be bigger and bigger!

This week I'm thankful for...
 31. martyrs who leave powerful legacies
 32. Biblical allegories
 33. singers who have beautiful, strong voices
 34. high practice test scores
 35. long car rides while listening to audio theater
 36. great first discipleship group meeting
 37. sleeping in
 38. phone calls from far-away friends
 39. making plans with friends
 40. meeting new people

 Leaning on Him,

Thursday, September 22, 2011

LIVE for Christ

 As you may know, I led a Bright Lights discipleship group for about a year and a half in my old house.  Now that we've moved, I am unable to continue that group, but have decided to start a new one.  Although similar in some ways to Bright Lights, this group is called LIVE for Christ.  LIVE is an acronym for Living In Victorious Excellence.  We have two theme verses: Ephesians 5:8 which says, "For you were once in darkness but now you are light in the Lord.  Live as children of light." and Matthew 5:16 which says, "In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven."

 Today we had our first official meeting.  Last week we had an information meeting and had 5 come.  Today, though, the attendance was 7!  Praise the Lord!  I can tell that this group is going to flourish for the Lord.  We talked about living our lives for God and how He has a special plan for each of us.

 I am so excited to see where God leads this group!  Whenever the time comes for me to stop leading this group, it'll be fun to say, "Look where God brought us!  We started with five, and now have ___!"  I can't wait to find out the blessings He has in store.

 I'll be taking my next CLEP test next week -- Humanities!  If I pass this one, I'll have 24 college credits.  I'm a tad nervous for this one, but mostly excited!  I feel pretty confident.

 Have a beautiful day!


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Sunday School Fever

Well, it’s been almost a week since I posted.  Blogging is really fun, but honestly, I had nothing to write about. J  On Sunday, I went to my first Sunday school class in…well, a long time.  Since moving, we’ve found a church we like, and have started to attend there regularly (the past two weeks).    
   Anyways, in Sunday school, I learned that we will be going through a video series called GOSPEL Journey.  A pastor named Greg Stier takes 6 teens up into the Rocky Mountains and presents the Gospel to them in 6 different sessions.  The thing is, each of the students come from various different “religious” backgrounds.  There is a Presbyterian, an atheist, and even a Wiccan.  Today Greg talked about how God created us to be with Him.  He opened up a discussion to his group about what they believe about Creation.  A couple of the students had trouble with believing that it was even remotely possible to take a rib out of a human to make another human!  Then Greg asked if they believe in one God, maybe a few gods, or no God at all.  We heard quite the speech from both the Wiccan and atheist!  It was all SO interesting hearing someone explain the Gospel to others who are firm in their religion.  One young woman is very open to new possibilities, but she is not a part of one religion or another.  However, she knows a lot about the Bible, and I can’t wait to see where this journey brings her within the next 6 weeks!  I also think this series will help prepare me to share the Gospel with others.  You never know when God might present a divine opportunity!

 This week I’m thankful for…
21. God providing in obvious ways
22. family who prays for me
23. fall weather!
24. quiet days to study
25. movie nights
26. walks with my mom
27. family game nights
28. reading late into the night
29. trying to be able to grasp the awesomeness of God’s creation
30. making new friends

Have a great week!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

September 13, 2011

Today’s Verse: “As for God, his way is perfect: The Lord’s word is flawless; he shields all who take refuge in him.  For who is God besides the Lord?  And who is the Rock except our God?”    ~Psalm 18:30-31  (NIV)

Today’s Quote: “God wants to continually add to us, to develop and enlarge us – always building on what He has already taught and built in us.”            ~A.B. Simpson

Today’s Photo:

 What I’m thankful for…

11. being welcomed into a new community
12. homemade raspberry pie
13. early morning swims
14. studying the Bible with other like-minded girls
15. piles of blankets on my bed to keep me warm
16. grocery shopping with my mom
17. hot showers
18. playing board games with friends
19. 9/11 will never be forgotten
20. encouragement from friends

 Have a great week!


Sunday, September 11, 2011

I remember that day...

 Ten years ago today.  I know where I was; I know what I was doing; and I know what captured my attention.  My family was in another state visiting some friends; we were all sitting in front of their TV watching it live while someone was doing my hair.  I will never forget sitting there and watching an airplane fly into the first tower.  I will never forget rewatching it over and over again later that night in the hotel room.  I will never forget the second tower getting hit too...the smoke rising...the towers collapsing...the people standing in the streets...the horror that came with that tragedy.

 The image above is one that is forever engraved in my memory, but when I first saw it, I was watching live footage.  Although looking through the photos today have triggered many memories.  At 6 years old, I must have sat in front of that TV for 3 hours watching the news.

 I have to admit that until two years ago, when my family vacationed to Washington D.C., I thought the Twin Towers were the only buildings terrorized.  It was when we visited the Pentagon Memorial that I realized that wasn't the case.

 The two pictures above were taken at the Pentagon Memorial, when I went in 2009.  If you look closely in the top picture, you can see the different colored bricks they used for rebuilding that part of the Pentagon.  The second picture is the memorial itself.  Each of those bench-looking things represent 2 to 3 people.  The benches (I think that's what they are) facing the Pentagon represent those who lost their lives in the plane; and the benches facing the road (us), represent those who died in the Pentagon.

 While we were at this Pentagon Memorial, we saw a couple families who had gathered (separately) to pay their respects to their loved ones.  Whether it was the loved one's birthday, a wedding anniversary, or an early visit for the 8th anniversary of 9/11 (we went on 9/6)...whatever the reason, we were witnesses to the hurt of the ones still here.

 I encourage you to take time to watch this encouraging and touching video.  This man is a walking testimony to how the Lord works in our lives!

 Take time today to remember the 2,977 who lost their lives in the 9/11 terrorist attacks.  Pray for their families on this 10th anniversary of that tragic day.

 God bless America!


Wednesday, September 7, 2011

September 7, 2011

 The first week of September is almost done!  What on earth?!

Today's Verse: "The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble.  He cares for those who trust in him."  ~Nahum 1:7 (NIV)

Today's Quote: "People are just about as happy as they make up their mind to be."   ~Abraham Lincoln

Today's Photo:
 I think I need to take some more pictures!  But it's getting to be autumn, so maybe I'll be able to catch some photo opportunities with the gorgeous leaves changing!

 Have a great day!

 In Christ,

Monday, September 5, 2011

Degree Consultation - Part 2

 In my previous post, I mentioned two different questions that I was asked on my degree consultation.  They were "What degree do you want to pursue?" and "How did you decide on this degree?".  Well, there was a third question.  "What would you like to do with this degree?"  Below is my answer.

 As I mentioned before, a business analyst sounds very interesting to me and sounds a lot like what I like to do.  A business analyst works with graphs and charts -- which I love to make!  A team leader also sounds :)  A team leader works with organization a lot, and...*smiles*...I do not like things which are unorganized. 

 I am now entering my Junior year (11th grade) in high school.  And my goal is to be a college Sophomore by Christmas.  It's possible, but only with God.  He's the only One who can help me get through this.  I know it will be hard.  I know that a lot of times, it won't be fun.  I know that on some days, I'll wish I never signed up for this.  But isn't it the end that matters?  I realize that with God's help, I can push through those hard, not fun, regret-filled days and be able to see the bigger picture: look at how much time, money, and energy I saved!  Like 4 years worth! :)  Don't get me wrong, I am thrilled to be a part of CollegePlus!.  But aren't there some days in just life in general where you wish you could crawl in a hole and never come out?  And then there are days where you could run around and scream for joy because you realize just how blessed you are!

 Lately, I've been seeing a few bloggers counting their blessings on their blogs.  I've been wondering whether it's a chain of some sort, or if they're just doing it on their own.  Well, I was so curious that I backtracked on one blog about a year and half!  I finally found why they're doing this!  It's called Gratitude Community -- check it out if you're interested.  I'll be writing down what I'm thankful for, 10 items at at time until I reach 1,000.  So here is my start:

I am thankful for...

1. being saved from the bondage of my sins

2. parents who support what I do

3. freedom to share my faith

4. clear guidance from God

5. motivation for school

6. an amazing college coach

7. being silly with siblings

8. an organized day-planner

9. colored pens and markers

10. cool weather

 In Christ,


Saturday, September 3, 2011

Degree Consultation - Part 1

 Yesterday morning was a big morning for me, an early and important morning.  I had my degree consultation!  A degree consultation, through CollegePlus!, is where you have a phone call with a CollegePlus! degree consultant and you...consult about your degree. :)  Before we got into the details, my consultant first asked me a couple questions.  Such as: "What degree do you want to pursue?" and "How did you decide on this degree?".  I thought I'd post the answers to these questions for you.

1)  I am going for an Economics degree with an unofficial minor in Communications.  I'm a little nervous, but also very excited!  I really feel that this is the path that the Lord is leading me on, and if I have to suffer through more math...I will (there is a possibility I may have to take calculus and I definitely have to take statistics).  I can't promise that I won't complain about it, though. :) 

2)  My mom told me to look at some big corporations online to see what some of their careers were and what requirements came with those career options.  So I went to Target's career website and their career page is SO helpful.  If you're interested, this is Target's career site.  Anyway, I clicked on Communications, and the jobs that were highlighted were Business Analyst, Team Leader, Group Leader, and a couple others.  So I clicked them all, read the info, and watched the videos.  The one that looked most interesting was Business Analyst.  Well, then I accidentally clicked on Economics and the same careers lit up, but Economics just kind of rang in my mind.  So I checked it out on CP!'s website, and asked my coach for the fact sheet, and it's what I got excited about and what I felt God was leading me to do.  Before, I had felt God leading me to pursue Communications, but I wasn't very enthusiastic about it because I didn't really knowwhat I wanted to use it for.  Now, I kind of have a specific idea of what I want to do with my degree, I feel like I have the Lord's blessing, and I'm excited.

 Judges 18:6 says, "...Go in peace.  Your journey has the Lord's approval." (NIV)  When I read this verse, I knew it was for me.  This journey I am taking is not like the rest of society.  This journey has the Lord's approval.  And I may proceed in peace on this path set before me by Him.

 I will be posting more about my consultation later.  Have a wonderful day!

 In Christ,

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Happy September!

Can you believe it's September?!  Where on earth did summer go?  It's time for schedules to start filling up to the brim, and school to start in full swing.  Sadly, I pretty much never took a break from school.  Well, I took a break from high school, just not college.  So I started everything back up on Monday, and I have Geometry, history, Latin, and college Humanities on my list right now.  Those subjects will most likely take up most of my day.

 Lately, I've been reading a couple blogs I follow about...reading.  The bloggers have been talking about books and how much they enjoy reading!  And I realized something: I haven't read in such a long time it's sad!  I used to be such a big reader, and whenever I get a good book, I hardly ever set it down.  But, this summer I've hardly read at all!  I miss reading.  I actually did read part of a series by Beverly Lewis at the beginning of summer, but then I couldn't find the third book anywhere, so I still have yet to find that one!  I'm hoping in a couple weeks when I get accustomed to my schedule, I'll have more time to read.  Because I have a long list of books I want to read!  :)

 Tomorrow, I have my degree consultation with CollegePlus!.  I am declaring my major!  I'm excited and nervous at the same time.  The only reason I'm nervous is because it's going to be a lot of work (more on that later), and tomorrow I'm just making it official.  Anyway, I'll post about the consultation later.

 I'm finally feeling like my new house is like home!  It feels nice.  I still have plenty of unpacked boxes yet, but I have my big shelf filled with all my leisure books and school books.  Before, I shared a room with my younger sister, so I didn't have as much space for my own things.  Now, my bedroom has all my pretty things set out such as tea cups, porcelain dolls, picture frames, and other "pretties" that I've inherited or been given.  Last week, I went through my hope chest that I inherited from my great aunt.  Some of the items were crocheted by my great aunt (who was more like a grandma to us), others were dolls given to me by my grandma who passed away when I was 5.  But they are all very precious and I can't wait till one day I can fill my own home with all the decorations and other things!

 Well, I think that's enough rambling on my part.  Have a wonderful day!

Matthew 5:16