Wednesday, January 23, 2013

just the little things #2

 Well, I know I posted some of these a few months ago, but I thought it would be fun to post some more "little things" -- little reminders of God's blessings to us each and every day.  Personally, these help give me a new perspective.  They get me in the right mind-set to recognize the little things.

yay!  nice people still exist! 
no one else knows...but you do
there's just something about it... 
it's yours and you will take care of it 
they're not wrinkly yet and they're nice and tight around you 
for, like, five minutes!
it's so relaxing
it's fun -- frustrating, but fun. :)
but more importantly: having a reason to clean it
it's so clean with nothing scheduled yet...usually
(and that changes on the first of the month)
like an earring that you have the match of...
it's so great.
or when said song is the *reason* you turned on the radio...

 I co-teach Sunday school, as you may know.  Around Christmas time, I taught the lesson, and we were discussing Abraham's family tree.  I asked the kids if they had ever made a family tree or if maybe their parents had.  One little boy said, "I don't have a family tree, but I do have a Christmas tree!"
 During one of their crafts, I got to sit at the table and help three of the boys.  It was fun to sit there and listen to their "conversation" and hear them laugh at their own jokes.  Seeing these kids find enjoyment in the smallest of things gives you the "everything's-okay-right-now-so-enjoy-the-moment" feeling.  It makes me so excited to be a mom someday! :)

 Hope you have a blessed week!


Sunday, January 13, 2013

A Good Day

 This past Wednesday was such a wonderful day!  One that I've been waiting a couple months for!  *sigh*  What a day!

 I started off the morning getting lots of school done which is always nice.  But trust me, that's not what I've been waiting months for. :)  That was just a bonus.

 Early afternoon came around and I had a Skype call with several other girls for our Bible study (we are reading Joyfully at Home by Jasmine Baucham).  It was just a time to share our testimonies which each other.  I consider it a blessing to hear how God has worked in others' lives and used their trials for His glory.  Although we couldn't see each other face-to-face, there were tears, laughs, and encouragement shared.  I left got off the call feeling encouraged, relaxed and renewed in a way.

 Shortly after the call, it was time for me to leave to meet two other ladies at church.  These two went to Brazil on my team, and we were going to go pick up two very special people from the airport.  On my way to meet them on church, I was running just a tad late, so I took the shorter route which just so happened to be a back, gravel road.  Which also happened to be icy.  I was driving my grandpa's truck (which I'm not used to) and I had turned 4-wheel drive off when I got out of my driveway.  I turned a corner and...well, I kept turning!  I spun once, but it felt like 3 times, and ended on the same side of the road, but facing the opposite direction.  Very scary - I've never been in a car accident before (driving or riding), so my heart was pumping really fast.  Looking back, all I remember is starting to spin and then after I stopped -- I can't remember anything while it was happening.  I was able to put it in 4-wheel drive and get out right away.  Praise the Lord!  Had I been going faster around that corner, I could probably have rolled the truck and gotten hurt.  Had I not known which way to turn the steering wheel, I could have actually gotten stuck.

 Back to the really good part of the day. :)  I got to church, "S" & "T" were waiting for me, so we left right away.  We were all so excited and very giddy.  I wish I could experience the day all over again just for the fun of it.  We got there, grabbed some coffee (not smart on my part) and a sandwich, and waited.  I decided after a few bites in that I was just too excited to eat, so I put that away and we went to wait by the door where they would walk through.  We were waiting for two people who were our translators for our team in Brazil!  They are here to visit us for a month!!  We have tons planned, and it's going to be a blast!  We saw them, jumped up and down a little, waved, and grinned hugely in the 30 seconds it took for them to get out of the elevator and on our side of security.  Hugs were exchanged and pictures were taken, a few stories were told, and we were off!

 The car ride home was a lot of fun as we laughed a lot and heard stories and told them a little bit about what to expect.  Coming from 105 degree weather, they were freezing in our 30 degrees.  And that's nice weather for us this time of year!  Since it was Wednesday night, and our church has clubs, we decided to go surprise some of the other team members who were either leading a Wed. night club or in youth group.  Of course the team members knew they were coming to MN, but not to the church.  That was just so much fun seeing their faces!  I wish we could have gotten it on video!
 As I turned into my driveway, that night, I almost went right into the fence because 4-wheel drive wasn't on, but that is totally beside the point.
 When I actually got safely inside the house, my dad and I looked through hundreds of pictures.  The purpose was to find pictures of my grandpa for the slideshow I'm making for the visitation tomorrow evening.  However, we found a lot more photos to scan for my graduation party.  :D  I will be busy doing that for the next 6 months.  :)  These are two of my favorites that I found last night:

 So that was my wonderful day.  My cheek muscles hurt so bad on Wednesday night from smiling for about 4 hours straight.


Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Family Bonds

 This past Saturday, my entire family was able to make our way up to spend two days with my grandpa.  We spent just Friday night with him, had a birthday celebration for my sister on Saturday, and then we headed home.  With the unknowns, we knew we should make sure we said good-bye and "I love you".  Along with my family of five (Dad, Mom, brother, sister, and I), my uncle (mom's brother), aunt, cousin, and her two kiddos, we sang hymns to my grandpa for 45 minutes.  My grandpa has sung at uncountable weddings and had a beautiful deep voice that he used to glorify God.  When kind, loving notes were left on his CaringBridge site, the majority of them mentioned his voice.  This was a time to sing his favorite hymns such as: Come Thou Fount, Softly and Tenderly, How Great Thou Art, Amazing Grace, and many more.  Although he couldn't use his voice anymore because he was too weak, we could see he was trying to mouth some of the lyrics to the songs.  At one point, he even was moving his hands in worship.  We also had the chance to lay our hands on him and pray over him.  We are so grateful for his legacy he left and that he knew the Lord.  We will get to see him again!

 Not only was this a special time with Grandpa/Great-Grandpa/Father/Father-in-law, but it was also a beautiful time of bonding as family members.  As we shared many tears, a few smiles, hugs, and a few boxes of Kleenexes, I believe it brought us closer as a family.  We were open with our emotions, and were just there to lean on each other if needed.

"Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn."   ~Romans 12:15

 My grandpa passed away on Monday night at 10:02.  He died right after Chris Tomlin's "Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)" finished playing.  I thank the Lord that we had that special time with my grandpa and with each other that day.  Even though it was a tough day, we won't ever forget it.  We made memories.  And although it doesn't seem like a good memory at first, we will get through this, Lord-willing, with a stronger relationship as a family than we had before.

 God bless,

Saturday, January 5, 2013

it won't be like this for long....

 This past month has been a very hard month for my family.  At the beginning of December, we found out my grandpa has cancer.  At that time, he moved in with us and has spent the majority of December with us.  On Friday, he will be moving back to his own home to be placed on hospice.  When this all started a month ago, we didn't know how far-spread it was nor how long he had to be with us.  Now we know it is in his lungs and bones.

 We've been through this process several times before.  And this won't be the last time we go through it, either.  My grandma passed away when I was 5 years old.  I don't remember a whole lot about her except her reading to me and making me jello jigglers when I came to visit. :)  Cherry.  Every time.  When my grandma was sick, my grandpa always let me help cater to her needs and called me her little nurse when she was in hospice.  My grandma started the Swedish Christmas tradition we still celebrate every year.
 My great aunt went to be with the Lord when I was 14.  When my grandma died, my great aunt kind of became a grandmother figure, especially since she had no grandchildren (or children) of her own.  She always kept a basket of things for us to do when we were at her house.  Whenever we'd go over there for dinner, she always made the same thing: casserole.  My great aunt also used to take me to a park, bring a bag of bread, and we would feed the ducks.  Although I don't remember it, she would often remind me that she would always play "restaurant" with me.  I also have tangible objects from them so that not only will I remember who they were to me and the memories we shared, but I will also remember who they were and what they loved.  From my grandma, I have tea cups.  I also inherited some bells from her collection.  My great aunt loved to crochet.  She made several things for me over the years: a baby blanket, a doll blanket, a blanket when I was 7-10, a pillow, a white coverlet for my bed, and when she passed away, she was in the process of making me a giant throw.  She also left me her hope chest.  I am able to save things that I will use for my future family in a place that holds special meaning.

 My grandpa being sick has required sacrifice from every family member.  For us, we have to give up days of school to help him, my brother has given up his bed so my grandpa can sleep there, interruptions in our day will happen so we can fulfill his needs.  Of course, we're not always going to be willing to do it.  We may not always have a smile on our faces.  We may get a little behind in school which is always frustrating.  My brother will want his own bed back.  Having constant interruptions in my school day is something I struggle with.  But someday - and that someday will be soon - we will miss it.  We'll miss having him around and having the chance to serve him with a servant's heart.

 My grandpa has a lot of crazy stories.  Once you get him going, it doesn't matter if you've heard it ten times before, you'll have a hard time getting him to stop talking.  So while sometimes it's hard not to complain about hearing it before, I have to realize that one day I won't be hearing those stories and I'll be glad he told them so many times so I can pass them down.  Stories from the war, from working on the railroad, growing up with a father who was a butcher.  Stories from his college days, and how he was captain of the football team and the basketball star.  Every summer, my grandpa still gets together with his high school buddies at 78 years old.
 It is heartbreaking for me to think of him not sharing anymore Christmases with us.  Or birthdays.  Or Easters.  We won't go see him dozens of times a year.  He may not be able to see me reach my eighteenth birthday -- adulthood -- in a little over a month.  He won't even see me graduate from high-school in six months!  He won't see me get married or see his great-grandchildren.  It all breaks my heart.

 But it's all very selfish of me, too.

"He will wipe every tear from their eyes.  There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away."    ~Revelation 21:4

 He gets to go see the face of his Savior.  He gets to see his wife after nearly twelve and a half years of being apart!  He gets to see three of his siblings: his twin, older sister, and older brother.  He'll be reunited with his parents!  Oh how he adored his mom.  He's so close to all these glorious things!  Yet, none of us left here want to let him go.  We don't want to say goodbye.

 But, there is some good news:

 We won't be saying "goodbye".  We'll be saying "see you later".

"The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit."    ~Psalm 34:18

In Christ's love,

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


 2012 was a good year.  Along with the good things, there were some...not-so-good things also, but, the good things far out-weighed those.  Here are some highlights from this past year:

  • My credit count reached 39 by the end of 2012!  Not as high as I had hoped, but I did get that far! :)
  • In March, I got to finally meet in person a really good friend, Laura.
  • In June/July, I went on a mission trip to Brazil, which was an amazing experience I shared with my mom.
  • I got my first official job!
  • In August, I was able to meet a lot of my college friends, which was such a blessing!
  • In August, I also got to spend another week with Laura! :)
  • Between September and November, I was on a roll with college and earned 9 credits just in those four months.
  • I finally purchased my laptop which I'd been saving for for over a year! (yes, that is a highlight)
  • I was introduced to some great new movies (*the Marvel movies*) :P
I am looking forward to quite a few things that will be coming in 2013.  I pray that God will bless this year as He blessed the last.
  • In just less than a week, two of our translators on our Brazil trip are coming to visit us!  They will be staying for about a month.  Can't wait!
  • In February, I will officially be an adult.  Eighteen - here I come! :)
  • I will graduate high school after 12 years of being homeschooled.  
  • I will continue working through CollegePlus toward my degree in Economics
  • I get to continue LIVE which is a huge blessing
  • I am getting involved in a Bible study for girls over Skype.
 Life this year will have its changes.  As pointed out above, 2013 will have its "ups".  But I already know of some "downs" it will also have.  But, God is good and what He brings to us, He will bring us through it.  

 2013 will be a very busy year.  Already, my calendar for January is so filled, I'm wondering just how much school I'll actually get accomplished.  Nevertheless, I'm very excited for this month, and all the rest in 2013.

 God bless you throughout this year.  May He be with you in the good times and bad times.  May you rely on His strength to get you through each day.
