Sunday, September 11, 2011

I remember that day...

 Ten years ago today.  I know where I was; I know what I was doing; and I know what captured my attention.  My family was in another state visiting some friends; we were all sitting in front of their TV watching it live while someone was doing my hair.  I will never forget sitting there and watching an airplane fly into the first tower.  I will never forget rewatching it over and over again later that night in the hotel room.  I will never forget the second tower getting hit too...the smoke rising...the towers collapsing...the people standing in the streets...the horror that came with that tragedy.

 The image above is one that is forever engraved in my memory, but when I first saw it, I was watching live footage.  Although looking through the photos today have triggered many memories.  At 6 years old, I must have sat in front of that TV for 3 hours watching the news.

 I have to admit that until two years ago, when my family vacationed to Washington D.C., I thought the Twin Towers were the only buildings terrorized.  It was when we visited the Pentagon Memorial that I realized that wasn't the case.

 The two pictures above were taken at the Pentagon Memorial, when I went in 2009.  If you look closely in the top picture, you can see the different colored bricks they used for rebuilding that part of the Pentagon.  The second picture is the memorial itself.  Each of those bench-looking things represent 2 to 3 people.  The benches (I think that's what they are) facing the Pentagon represent those who lost their lives in the plane; and the benches facing the road (us), represent those who died in the Pentagon.

 While we were at this Pentagon Memorial, we saw a couple families who had gathered (separately) to pay their respects to their loved ones.  Whether it was the loved one's birthday, a wedding anniversary, or an early visit for the 8th anniversary of 9/11 (we went on 9/6)...whatever the reason, we were witnesses to the hurt of the ones still here.

 I encourage you to take time to watch this encouraging and touching video.  This man is a walking testimony to how the Lord works in our lives!

 Take time today to remember the 2,977 who lost their lives in the 9/11 terrorist attacks.  Pray for their families on this 10th anniversary of that tragic day.

 God bless America!



  1. It still hurts to look at photos. I really didn't know how tragic it was at the time, but there is a pain that will never go away.

  2. I think 9/11 will be to us what "The Day JFK was killed" is to our parents and grandparents. I don't think anyone will ever remember where they were and how they felt that day. Thanks for posting.


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