Monday, January 30, 2012

For the Week It's Been!

 Please note that this was written on Saturday, Jan. 28.  

Wow, I feel completely worn out from this past week, and then I realize I still have a day left -- which is also full! :)

  Sunday morning was a Brazil team meeting.  We discussed a couple fundraiser dinners we'll be having for our church, which was exciting!  It's getting closer and closer, and it will be here before we know it!

 Sunday afternoon and Monday I stayed home since I didn't feel very good.  I'd rather be healthy or actually sick, not in the middle. :)  Tuesday and Wednesday were also stay at home days besides youth group on Wednesday night.  But those two days were also get-down-to-school days.

 I had a coaching call for college on Wednesday, which is always a highlight.  We went over how Sociology was going.  My coach had some pointers of what my next steps should be and we made some goals to be done by...the end of the week -- which will be today. :)  There's so many resources for this test, it's hard to know what to do next!  But I started studying with a new resource now, called InstantCert, which has been really helpful and I'll be able to use it for my next test, too.

  Thursday I had LIVE for Christ which went well.  We talked about being dedicated to God and living our lives wholly for Him.  We started singing different songs such as "Every Move I Make" and "Big House" (two of my favorites from when I was younger) so that's always exciting.  It's fun to see them doing the actions and praising God.

 Friday I worked for a few hours, which is always fun and I always learn a lot!  And we relaxed with a movie that night.

 This morning was an early morning (for a Saturday, at least) as we went to church to set up for the fundraiser dinner tomorrow.  I buttered 18 long loaves of bread -- we had 4 ladies on the "bread team", some slicing, one making the garlic butter, and me buttering.  We had a nice little system going while the others browned hamburger, set up tables, boiled spaghetti noodles, wash dishes, made a banner, etc.  What a great time of team-building and fun-ness! :)

 But...after this week, it's nice to be relaxing.  I actually read a leisure book this week (and finished it!)!  That is quite an accomplishment these days.  I look forward to being able to do more of that. :)

This week I'm thankful for...
201. study calls
202. girl game night with friends
203. Brazil planning
204. a new sweatshirt
205. index cards
206. finishing my bedroom
207. friends passing college tests
208. late night talks with my mom
209. answers to prayers
210. Brazil team building

 Have a blessed week!


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