Friday, December 9, 2011

How It Works and more

 For those of you who have been wondering, follow this link to see how CollegePlus! works; to see how I'm earning my Economics high school!  If you're interested in enrolling, click here and you will get a discount!  As a Junior in high school, I have 24 credits with 3 more pending.  CollegePlus! is faster, for less, and for sure!  Let me tell you: you can't get much better than that!  Especially when earning your college degree!  And this program is not only for high school students.  It is for all ages who are looking to earn or expand their degree.  May I remind you that you are earning your degree at your own pace?!

 Now that I got my biased advertisement out of the way... :)

 Yesterday, we had our 5th LIVE for Christ meeting!  It went great!  We talked about Understanding the Fear of the Lord which is something we all need to be reminded of time and again.  How often do we worry about what others are thinking of us?  How often am I changing myself to "fit in" better with who I'm with?  Honestly, how often do we say to ourselves, "Who cares if they disapprove of this music!  What does God think of it?!"?Unfortunately, I don't say that very often.  Yes, I ask myself the latter part of that; "What does God think of ____?", but I also worry about what others are saying about it; about me.  My favorite song that talks about this (which also happens to be my favorite song of all time) is Beautiful Ending by BarlowGirl.  Love lost cause they all forgot Who You are/And it scares me to think/That I would choose my life over You/My selfish heart divides me from You/It tears us apart*chorus: So tell me/What is our ending/Will it be beautiful, so beautiful?/Will my life find me by Your side/Your love is beautiful, so beautiful.  Only God's opinion matters; He's the One Who'll be judging us in the end!

 On Wednesday night was the Christmas performance at my church.  My mom, sister, brother, and I are all in the play: The Best Christmas Pageant Ever!  This play is hilarious and it's so much fun to be in!  Can't wait for Sunday when we perform it again!  Tonight, my family is going to a different Christmas play called The Gospel According to Scrooge.  I'm looking forward to seeing what it's like.  Next weekend, my dad is taking my brother and I to the sold out show The Story Tour.  I'm very excited to see that!  A night with Steven Curtis Chapman, Natalie Grant, Francesca Battistelli, the Newsboys, and Max Lucado?  Hurry, please! :)  It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas, but not look like it.  There's no snow!  The paper-thin layer that's covering the ground right now doesn't really count.  In Minnesota, no snow is quite...unusual.  I just hope it doesn't get added to the end of winter, because that will be a looong winter!  I remember one year, we had snow till the end of May.  I think God skipped Spring that year... :)  Anyway, I just want it to look like Christmas by Christmas.

 Have a blessed day!


  1. I think the snow totally counts! :)

    Way to go with Economics!

  2. You are *so* making me laugh, Sierra! We Texas folk can't count on snow *at all* - we just hope for it! Honestly, I have never seen more than two or three inches of snow at a time, and that was only once in the past ten or so years! I think I know why we sing "White Christmas" down South - it is because the song goes "I'm *dreaming* of a white Christmas" - not because it is actually going to happen!
    Anyway, now that we live three hours north, and the cold weather, I hope that we see more! At least we'd better! This kind of weather that we've been getting is February weather, not for early December! high's of high 30's, early 40's...gets cold at night...brrrrr!!!!!
    Okay, now that's off my mind! :D

  3. It sounds like you guys are in full swing with Christmas events, very fun! Enjoy "The Gospel According to Scrooge". I acted (a tiny part) in it in my Christian High School (34 yrs. ago) and my science teacher wrote it. It's very good if done right.

  4. CollegePlus! is not only a great place and way to earn your degree, but it's also an awesome place to find awesome friends ;)
    Go Sierra! :D


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