Wednesday, January 23, 2013

just the little things #2

 Well, I know I posted some of these a few months ago, but I thought it would be fun to post some more "little things" -- little reminders of God's blessings to us each and every day.  Personally, these help give me a new perspective.  They get me in the right mind-set to recognize the little things.

yay!  nice people still exist! 
no one else knows...but you do
there's just something about it... 
it's yours and you will take care of it 
they're not wrinkly yet and they're nice and tight around you 
for, like, five minutes!
it's so relaxing
it's fun -- frustrating, but fun. :)
but more importantly: having a reason to clean it
it's so clean with nothing scheduled yet...usually
(and that changes on the first of the month)
like an earring that you have the match of...
it's so great.
or when said song is the *reason* you turned on the radio...

 I co-teach Sunday school, as you may know.  Around Christmas time, I taught the lesson, and we were discussing Abraham's family tree.  I asked the kids if they had ever made a family tree or if maybe their parents had.  One little boy said, "I don't have a family tree, but I do have a Christmas tree!"
 During one of their crafts, I got to sit at the table and help three of the boys.  It was fun to sit there and listen to their "conversation" and hear them laugh at their own jokes.  Seeing these kids find enjoyment in the smallest of things gives you the "everything's-okay-right-now-so-enjoy-the-moment" feeling.  It makes me so excited to be a mom someday! :)

 Hope you have a blessed week!


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