Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Family Bonds

 This past Saturday, my entire family was able to make our way up to spend two days with my grandpa.  We spent just Friday night with him, had a birthday celebration for my sister on Saturday, and then we headed home.  With the unknowns, we knew we should make sure we said good-bye and "I love you".  Along with my family of five (Dad, Mom, brother, sister, and I), my uncle (mom's brother), aunt, cousin, and her two kiddos, we sang hymns to my grandpa for 45 minutes.  My grandpa has sung at uncountable weddings and had a beautiful deep voice that he used to glorify God.  When kind, loving notes were left on his CaringBridge site, the majority of them mentioned his voice.  This was a time to sing his favorite hymns such as: Come Thou Fount, Softly and Tenderly, How Great Thou Art, Amazing Grace, and many more.  Although he couldn't use his voice anymore because he was too weak, we could see he was trying to mouth some of the lyrics to the songs.  At one point, he even was moving his hands in worship.  We also had the chance to lay our hands on him and pray over him.  We are so grateful for his legacy he left and that he knew the Lord.  We will get to see him again!

 Not only was this a special time with Grandpa/Great-Grandpa/Father/Father-in-law, but it was also a beautiful time of bonding as family members.  As we shared many tears, a few smiles, hugs, and a few boxes of Kleenexes, I believe it brought us closer as a family.  We were open with our emotions, and were just there to lean on each other if needed.

"Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn."   ~Romans 12:15

 My grandpa passed away on Monday night at 10:02.  He died right after Chris Tomlin's "Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)" finished playing.  I thank the Lord that we had that special time with my grandpa and with each other that day.  Even though it was a tough day, we won't ever forget it.  We made memories.  And although it doesn't seem like a good memory at first, we will get through this, Lord-willing, with a stronger relationship as a family than we had before.

 God bless,


  1. Many ((Hugs)) Sierra. I'm glad you and your family had such a sweet time to say good-bye. You will see him again, perfectly happy and whole. Much love to you and your family. ♥

    1. What a beautiful tribute. - Sandi Norgaard


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