Friday, January 3, 2014

So Far So Good

  Yesterday morning, I didn't really have any "resolutions" or goals to complete in 2014.  For the first time, I created a strict budget that I wanted to stick to, but that had more to do with situations that will be presenting themselves this year than, "This year, I want to spend my money more wisely." (although I do want that, too).

  However, this morning my mom informed me of something my church is doing together (I didn't attend this past Sunday so I hadn't heard of it yet).  Our church is encouraging the congregation to read the Bible every single day, no matter how much.  They've suggested three different ways to do this, although if we had our own way, it would still count.  The three options they presented were: 1) read a verse a day and one "story" a week; 2) read an overview of the Bible; 3) read through the Bible in a year.  Because I already have an app for a verse of the day, I decided to read through the Bible in 2014.  This will require reading about 3 or 4 chapters day, and because I'd like to walk away with more knowledge, I'm taking notes.

  Thus, a resolution or goal was started!  Tomorrow, I will continue with Genesis, chapter 12.  A few months ago, my mom gave me a new study Bible that she had received, brand new, for free.  During my Bible study on Tuesday nights, the footnotes, maps, charts, and other tidbits have allowed me to dig even deeper into God's Word!  I'm looking forward to reading the entire Bible and learning more and more about the God I serve this year.  I've never done this before, but it's definitely something that I need to stick to.

  But there's a second goal that I made.

  Around 1:00am New Year's Day, being the weird person I am, I was looking through my own Pinterest boards -- mostly reading quotes I'd pinned in the past.  I came across this one...

  ...and I thought to myself, What a fun goal that would be!.  It wasn't until later that afternoon when I ran into Target that I thought of it again.  I made a friendly comment to the cashier and in reply, she smiled at me and said, "Thank you for that!"  I guess it doesn't take a lot to make someone's day a little brighter.  It can be a friendly comment to a stranger, a sweet note to a friend, or a "thank you" to a family member.

  I hope and pray that no matter what your goals are this year, that you are able to stick to them. :)  I'm usually not very good about sticking to my goals, but I'm hoping that since I just picked two, I'll be able to.

  Love in Christ,



  1. I love those, Sierra! I made a goal to read the Bible every day this year too!
    Happy 2014! It'll definitely be another amazing year to see God work!


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