Wednesday, May 15, 2013

this is the first day of the rest of my life

today, i finished high school.

i'm excited - who isn't when they reach this milestone, right?

but more than excitement for reaching the milestone,
i'm excited for the future.

i'm eager to find out what the future holds.

i'm anticipating something...

yet i don't know what.

what's out there?

what does my future hold?

what will my life look like in 5 years?  10?

heck, what will my life look like next year?

there's so much uncertainty, it makes me so excited!

i'm not a flexible person - i like a plan.  i like a schedule.

but the unknown of the future is...exciting!

i want adventure.  and uncertainty is adventure.

i want to travel.  now i can.

i am earning my college degree.  i get to finish.

i want to develop and grow my discipleship group.
with high school out of the way, i can.

i don't know what i'm waiting for

but i do know...without a doubt...that i'm here for a reason.

i have yet to find that exact reason.  but God has a plan for me.

and knowing that He knows even though i don' exciting.



  1. Aww. That was sweet, Sierra! Congratulations. Fun to hear your perspective, as it is so similar to mine. It was a great reminder and I needed that today!

  2. Congratulations Sierra! You must be feeling good! I just now got to read your post below too, what a neat story of the Lord leading! And I'm sure through this new chapter in your life, you will see that happen again and again! :) I look forward to the stories ahead! :D

  3. Congrats on finishing high school, Sierra!! I'm right with you on wanting a plan and a schedule, like now :P But God's plans have never failed to surpass my wildest dreams :D

    Looking forward to hearing about your (well-planned) graduation!

  4. Congratulations to you Sierra! It is exciting to watch your future unfold, God has something wonderful in store for you!


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