Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Things Do Change

  I am a girl who likes to plan.  I like to know what is going to happen months ahead of time.  I will sit at my desk and write out schedules, lists, and charts, to organize everything.  From my schedule to my income, I want to know.  Right now, I am saving for my own laptop.  I have been for a while now, but it's hard.  So this past weekend, I sat down, and wrote out how much money I was expecting to make each month so I could know when I'd be able to get my laptop.

 I was really excited, because it looked like one of my New Year's resolutions was going to happen.  As I planned, I estimated I'd be able to buy my computer in August/September.  As I was figuring all this out, I made a chart of how many hours I'd have to work for each job each week.  I have one job that is sort of regular, but it's about 3 hours a week, if that.  My other job hasn't exactly started yet, but I hope that will be about 3-4 hours a week, too.  Anyway, after I made this chart and was all positive about my new goal, I found out I'd only be working 2 hours this week for my "more regular" job.  My enthusiasm didn't stay very long.

 I realized that I can't plan out my whole life.  I can't make a chart and say, "This is the exact day I'm going to be done with high school, this is the exact week I'll be finishing up my last college course, this is the day I'll be getting married..."  I do not have the power to control my life in that way.  Things happen.  Things change.  I can never know when I could get sick and get behind in high school a few days.  Sure, I can estimate and try to stay on schedule, but in the end, God is the only one who knew all along when these things would happen.  

 I don't know when I'll get my laptop, but I just have to trust that God will make it happen if it's His will and if it is His will, then He'll make it happen in His timing.

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."      ~Jeremiah 29:11

241. August 23, 2012
242. things to look forward to
243. music
244. game time with my sister
245. Post-It notes
246. technology
247. reading mysteries with my brother
248. discoveries
249. rainy days
250. happy emails from Laura 

Have a wonderful week!  



  1. that is a WONDERFUL verse. it is so hard to trust God sometimes and I admit that's an area I struggle with a lot! keep pressing on and know that this girl will be praying for you :)

  2. Well-said, Sierra. That was exactly something I have been thinking about lately as well. He knows our future and it's in His hands. Great post. :)


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