Tuesday, October 4, 2011

and yet another week goes by

 I don't know how the weeks slip by me,  but somehow, it's Tuesday again!

 On Wednesday, I took my Humanities test and I passed!  On Friday, my dad took my two siblings and I to a Renaissance Festival.  It's was...interesting.  There weren't too many people there, and those who were there were mostly students since it was education day.  It was fun -- I got a really cute bracelet.  But it was cold out.  I walked around with a fancy Renaissance-style dress on and my dad's sweatshirt hanging off my shoulders.  I'm sure I looked pretty ridiculous!
 Saturday was also pretty cold.  We had a party for my dad's work.  I think (and hope!) everyone had a great time.  We had around 25 people, some swam, some played frisbee, and others just ate.  We're still eating leftovers and I have a feeling we will be for the rest of the week! :)

 There's not much to update on.  Except that it's October!  I love fall, but I wish I would dress warmer on my morning walks.  I can't believe it's October -- soon it will be Thanksgiving, and then Christmas.  Except for me, my holidays go in this order: Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and then Christmas!  I LOVE going shopping on Black Friday.  The last few years, my mom and I have gotten up at 2am.  The few years before that it was 5am.

 This week I'm thankful for...
41. going through pictures with my dad and hearing stories of his travels
42. coupons and discounts
43. passing my college test
44. cleaning (you may never see me say that again -- cherish it!) :)
45. reading for leisure
46. going to a festival
47. staying up really late playing games with leftover party attendees
48. low-calorie, sugar-free frozen yogurt
49. productivity
50. beautifully colored leaves on the trees

 God bless!


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